Stephen Maas

My first introduction like many other anglers started at a very young age. With uncles, cousins, brothers, mum and dad all keen anglers... this turned most family fishing trips into a competition, of who could catch the biggest or the most fish!
My first fish that I can remember was whilst bait fishing on the banks of the Logan River with my mum, dad, my 2 brothers and my sister. I had a bite on a handline and my mum said “just pull it in it is only a small catfish”... next minute a 40cm whiting slid up the bank and this quickly became the start of my fishing passion. That was about the age of 5.
It was not until I was in my 20’s that I bought my first kayak and got into lure fishing, firstly for wild bass in the rivers and then into saltwater. Around 10 years ago now some kayak tournaments started up and I thought that I would give them a try.
My continued passion for fishing comes from wanting to learn, develop and continuously improve my skills all the time. Since now having quite a few successful tournaments series along the way the aim for me now is to help anyone that is willing to learn by sharing any info, tips and tricks that I can to help them catch more fish and become more successful anglers. I especially enjoy doing this with any young anglers that are just starting out in kayak tournaments.
Many great memories have come from the kayak tournaments. One of my greatest achievements would have to be winning the Australian Hobie Bass Championships in 2015. This gave me the opportunity to be invited to fish for ‘Team Hobie’ on the television series of AFC 13 (Australian Fishing Championships no13). Catching PB barramundi and sooty grunter in front of the camera was simply the best fishing experience I have ever had. But by far my greatest achievement to date is my beautiful family. My wife and my children are my biggest supporters and the main reason that I try my hardest to achieve the best possible results that I can.
"Listen To The Birds"
Best Tournament Results
- ABT Bream Series Qualifier, Bribie Island (Non Boater) 2019 - 1st place.
- Hobie Kayak Bream Series, Gold Coast 2018 - 3rd place.
- Hobie Kayak Bream Series, Gold Cost 2017 (Tandem Division - with son Harry), 1st place.
- Australian Fishing Championships 13, fished as ‘Team Hobie’ with Mark Crompton and Stewart Dunn 1st place.
- Hobie Bream Series, Port Macquarie 2017 - 4th place.
- Australian Hobie Bream Championship 2016 Gold Coast 3rd place.
- Hobie Bass Social Somerset Dam 2015 1st place.
- Hobie Australian Bass Championship Hinze Dam 2015 1st place.
- Hobie Bass Series 2015, Wivenhoe Dam 1st place.
- Hobie Bass Series 2015, Mary River 2nd place.
- Hobie Bass Series 2015, Lake Mcdonald 3rd place.
- Hobie Bass Kayak Angler Of The Year 2015
- Hobie Kayak Series Angler Of The Year runner up 2014
- Hobie/Gamakatsu Kayak Series Grand Final Uranga 2nd place.
- Clarence River Hobie/Gamakatsu Kayak Series 2014 2nd place.
- Australian Hobie Championship Marlo 2013 3rd place.
- Hobie Qualifying event Gold Coast 2013 2nd place.
- Quensland state kayak championship Bribie Island bream 2012 1st place.